数据带宽 总线带宽区别_如何减少数据量(和带宽)流服务的使用
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数据带宽 总线带宽区别

数据带宽 总线带宽区别

Streaming services are so commonplace that we often give little thought to how much data they use until it’s too late. It can be a lot, but you can reduce data use and prevent overages with a few minor changes here and there.

流服务是如此普遍,以至于在为时已晚之前,我们通常很少考虑它们使用多少数据。 可能很多,但您可以通过在此处和此处进行一些小的更改来减少数据使用并防止超量使用。

Despite the large number of streaming services and their associated apps, it’s safe to say, one of them might be Pandora, Spotify, Netflix, or especially YouTube. All these have ways to change how much data they consume, which is especially important if you have a data cap and/or share bandwidth.

尽管有大量的流媒体服务及其关联的应用程序,但可以肯定地说,其中之一可能是Pandora,Spotify,Netflix,尤其是YouTube。 所有这些方法都可以更改消耗的数据量,如果您有数据上限和/或共享带宽,这尤其重要。

Obviously, of these, Netflix and YouTube will use more data and bandwidth. In fact, you’re unlikely to experience bandwidth issues if you’re merely streaming music but that said, if you listen to music all day, it adds up, especially if you’re streaming higher quality audio.

显然,其中的Netflix和YouTube将使用更多的数据和带宽。 实际上,如果您仅流式传输音乐,就不太可能遇到带宽问题,但这意味着,如果您整天听音乐,则其累加起来,尤其是在流式传输更高质量的音频时。

流音乐? 你应该没事 (Streaming Music? You Should be Okay)

After some observation and research, it’s difficult to imagine that even with a paltry few gigabytes of mobile data, anyone could stream their way over their limit with Pandora or Spotify, as long as you pay attention to quality settings.


For Spotify, the “standard quality” setting on the desktop application,, is ~160 kbps, which is known as “high quality” on mobile.

对于Spotify, ,桌面应用程序上的“标准质量”设置约为160 kbps,在移动设备上被称为“高质量”。

On a desktop or laptop, Premium Spotify subscribers can enable “high quality” (320kbps) streaming in the Spotify app’s settings, which is equal to “Extreme Quality” on the mobile app (confusing isn’t it?).

在台式机或笔记本电脑上,Premium Spotify订阅者可以在Spotify应用程序的设置中启用“高质量”(320kbps)流传输,这等于移动应用程序上的“极致质量”(不是吗?)。

Regardless of what Spotify calls their audio quality tiers, non-Premium users can expect the highest quality music to stream at 160kbps (again, “Standard Quality” on the desktop, “High Quality” on the mobile app).


While Spotify’s desktop app will only stream music at 160kbps (unless you’re a Premium subscriber), the Spotify mobile app can stream music at a lower 96kbps (“Normal Quality”) to better minimize your mobile data footprint.


To understand how that translates to you and your data caps, we used to plug in 96kbps and 160kbps.


  • At 96kbps, you will consume about 42MB of data in one hour, which translates to 0.04GB. To stream 1GB of data, you’d need to stream for 24 to 25 hours.

    以96kbps的速度,您在一小时内将消耗约42MB的数据,相当于0.04GB。 要流式传输1GB的数据,您需要流式传输24到25小时。
  • At 160kbps, data use climbs to about 70MB in an hour, or 0.07GB. This means you can stream 1GB of data in just under 15 hours.

    以160kbps的速度,一小时内数据使用量将攀升至约70MB,即0.07GB。 这意味着您可以在不到15个小时的时间内流式传输1GB的数据。

Raising the audio quality setting will give you a somewhat better listening experience but obviously use more data, more quickly.


Meanwhile, :

同时, :

Pandora on the Web plays 64k AAC+ for free listeners and 192kbps for Pandora One subscribers. All in-home devices play 128kbps audio, and mobile devices receive a variety of different rates depending on the capability of the device and the network they are on, but never more than 64k AAC+. (emphasis ours)

Web上的Pandora播放64k AAC +的免费听众,播放192kbps的Pandora One订户。 所有家用设备均播放128kbps音频,而移动设备将根据设备的性能和所使用的网络而接收各种不同的速率,但速率不得超过64k AAC + 。 (强调我们的)

Pandora too allows you to bump up the quality (to 64kbps maximum) in its settings, but is configured by default to lower quality audio.


Again, plugging in the numbers, we see how much data Pandora uses.


  • Streaming at 64kbps will consume about 28MB or 0.03GB of data, which means you can expect to hit a gigabyte in just over 36 hours.

    以64kbps的速度进行流传输将消耗大约28MB或0.03GB的数据,这意味着您可以在短短36个小时内达到1 GB的数据量。
  • At 128kbps, hourly data use literally doubles to 56MB or 0.05GB, and that means your listening time will effectively halve to a little over 18 hours.


Bear in mind, Pandora’s mobile data bitrate never exceeds 64kbps, so that’s likely the most interesting number to mobile data users. Unlike Spotify however, you can probably get away with using the higher quality setting, as long as it doesn’t affect playback too adversely.

请记住,Pandora的移动数据比特率永远不会超过64kbps,因此这可能是移动数据用户最感兴趣的数字。 但是,与Spotify不同,只要它不会对播放产生太大不利影响,您就可以避免使用较高的质量设置。

小心视频流 (Be Careful with Video Streaming)

Video streaming is going to always use far more data than music by virtue of the mere fact that it’s video. But, there are still settings you can adjust to alleviate how much data they use.

仅仅由于视频流,视频流将总是比音乐使用更多的数据。 但是,仍有一些设置可以调整以减轻它们使用的数据量。


Indeed, if you have Netflix installed as an app, you can force it to only stream over Wi-Fi thus ensuring you don’t mistakenly eat into your mobile data allowance.


2014-11-10 19.18.51
The Netflix Android app’s settings.
Netflix Android应用程序的设置。

If you use Netflix at home, such as in a browser, or you stream to your Chromecast or on your Roku however, you need to first access the data settings via Netflix.com. To do this, click “Your Acount” from your profile menu.

如果您在家中(例如在浏览器中)使用Netflix,或者流式传输到Chromecast或Roku上,则需要首先通过Netflix.com访问数据设置。 为此,请从您的个人资料菜单中单击“您的帐户”。

On the next screen, click “playback settings” in the “My Profile” section.


In the “Playback Settings”, you can now adjust your data usage per screen. Normally it is set to “Auto” but you can force it to play at low quality (up to 0.3GB per hour) or medium (up to 0.7 per hour). If you’re lucky enough to be able to stream high quality video, you can expect to consume 3GB to 7GB per hour.

现在,在“播放设置”中,您可以调整每个屏幕的数据使用量。 通常,它设置为“自动”,但是您可以强制其以低质量(每小时最高0.3GB)或中等(每小时最高0.7)播放。 如果您很幸运能够流传输高质量的视频,则可以预期每小时消耗3GB到7GB。

Setting Netflix’s per screen data usage to “low” doesn’t mean you can now start streaming Netflix videos via your mobile data connection. It does mean your home Internet connection is less likely to crumble under the stress of other members of the household using it at the same time, which, if they’re watching YouTube, can happen in a hurry.

将Netflix的每屏数据使用率设置为“低”并不意味着您现在可以开始通过移动数据连接流式传输Netflix视频。 这确实意味着您的家庭互联网连接在其他同时使用它的家庭成员的压力下不太可能崩溃,如果他们正在观看YouTube,这可能会很着急。

YouTube,移动数据猪 (YouTube, a Mobile Data Hog)

YouTube is by far the biggest video streaming site on earth, so you can expect to contribute a lot of data and bandwidth to it. It’s hard to simply watch one YouTube video, and chances are pretty good, most people watch YouTube videos every day.

YouTube是迄今为止全球最大的视频流媒体网站,因此您可以期望为它贡献大量数据和带宽。 观看一部YouTube视频非常困难,而且机会非常多,大多数人每天都会观看YouTube视频。


Therefore, it’s especially important, if you watch YouTube on your phone over a mobile connection, to check your YouTube settings.


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Do this by tapping the options dots in the upper-right corner, then tap “Settings -> General” and tick the box next to “limit mobile data usage.” This will assure that you can only stream HD YouTube videos over a Wi-Fi connection.

为此,请点击右上角的选项点,然后点击“设置->常规”,然后勾选“限制移动数据使用量”旁边的框。 这样可以确保您只能通过Wi-Fi连接流式传输高清YouTube视频。

2014-11-10 19.00.37.png

This won’t prevent you from watching videos on YouTube when you’re out and about, it just means you won’t be able to watch HD videos unless you’re on Wi-Fi. It’s a good solution but honestly, the way YouTube sucks us in, we know how easy it can be to quickly rack up a large watched video count.

这不会阻止您出门在外时在YouTube上观看视频,这仅意味着除非使用Wi-Fi,否则您将无法观看高清视频。 这是一个很好的解决方案,但老实说,YouTube吸引我们的方式是,我们知道Swift增加大量观看的视频数量是多么容易。

Upon first load, all our videos default to 480P, but there’s a quick trick you can employ to ensure they play at a lower resolution. Click on your account picture in the upper-right corner of YouTube and click the settings gear.

首次加载时,我们所有的视频默认默认为480P,但是您可以使用一个快速技巧来确保它们以较低的分辨率播放。 点击YouTube右上角的帐户图片,然后点击设置齿轮。

On the next screen, click the “Playback” link and under “video playback quality” and choose the “I have a slow connection” option.


After using YouTube with this option enabled, our videos defaulted to 360P.


是的,但是YouTube视频使用多少数据? (Yes but, How Much Data Do YouTube Videos Use?)

The thing about YouTube videos are that even at lower resolutions, they can still consume a lot of data. How much data? It’s hard to say exactly since unlike Netflix, YouTube videos aren’t consistent from one uploader to the next, but we can take some measurements and make some observations.

YouTube视频的问题在于,即使以较低的分辨率,它们仍会消耗大量数据。 多少数据? 很难确切地说,因为与Netflix不同,YouTube视频在一个上传者到另一个上传者之间并不一致,但是我们可以进行一些测量和观察。

Let’s take an easy example. Everyone knows . It’s been viewed over 2-billion times, it’s available in 144P through 1080P, so let’s queue that video up in each of it’s different resolutions and see how much data that video consumes .

让我们举一个简单的例子。 每个人都知道 。 它被浏览了20亿次以上,有144P到1080P两种版本,因此让我们以不同的分辨率将视频排队,并查看视频消耗了多少数据。

The first time we load any video, it has to load the audio track as well, so it takes a little longer and the file size is initially larger. From thereon, the audio track is cached, so when we change resolutions, YouTube simply loads the video bits, so the file size is relatively smaller and it doesn’t take as long either.

第一次加载任何视频时,它也必须加载音轨,因此它需要更长的时间,并且文件大小最初更大。 从那里开始,音频轨道被缓存,因此,当我们更改分辨率时,YouTube只是加载视频位,因此文件大小相对较小,并且也不需要那么长的时间。

Gangham Style is just over 4 minutes long (4:12 to be exact), and , the average audio bitrate is (probably) about 128kbps, which is approximately 4MB for a 4-minute long song.

Gangham Style刚好超过4分钟(确切地说是4:12), ,平均音频比特率约为128kbps(对于4分钟长的歌曲约为4MB)。

In the following table, we present our Gangham Style findings. Each video’s observed size is adjusted to include the size of the audio track (as if you were loading each resolution the first time). This isn’t exact nor meant to be official, it’s just a rough idea of the size of an average pop music video with its accompanying audio track.

在下表中,我们介绍了Gangham Style调查结果。 调整每个视频的观察大小以包括音轨的大小(就像您第一次加载每个分辨率一样)。 这并不确切,也不意味着要正式,这只是对普通流行音乐视频及其附带音轨的大小的粗略了解。

Video Resolution ~Size + 4MB Audio Track
144P 6.6MB
240P 9.6MB
360P 15.2MB
480P 25.2MB
720P 44.6MB
1080P 73.5MB
视频分辨率 〜大小+ 4MB音轨
144P 6.6兆字节
240P 9.6兆字节
360P 15.2兆字节
480P 25.2兆字节
720P 44.6兆字节
1080P 73.5兆字节

The takeaway here is pretty apparent. Don’t watch HD videos on your mobile connection and even at lower resolutions, YouTube videos can really add up.

这里的外卖很明显。 不要在您的移动连接上观看高清视频,即使以较低的分辨率观看,YouTube视频也可以真正实现累加。

How much do they add up over the course of time?


We cleared our results from and simply went from pop music video to pop music video – twenty in all – at the default resolution (480P) and observed how much data they used.

我们从清除了结果, 以默认分辨率(480P)从流行音乐视频转到流行音乐视频(总共20个),并观察了它们使用了多少数据。

As you can see, twenty pop music videos at 480P consumed over 400MB of data, which averages out to around 20MB per video.


The bottom line here is YouTube’s data footprint can add up very quickly, but really any video you stream will do that, so you want to make sure you only watch video on a non-metered Wi-Fi connection.


Obviously, these four services aren’t the only ones. There’s Hulu, Amazon Prime, Soundcloud, Rdio, and many more. For everything else, take a minute to peruse any settings in your apps and accounts to make sure you’re streaming at a mobile data-friendly bitrate, when possible.

显然,这四个服务不是唯一的。 有Hulu,Amazon Prime,Soundcloud,Rdio等。 对于其他所有内容,请花一点时间仔细研究应用程序和帐户中的所有设置,以确保在可能的情况下以移动数据友好的比特率进行流式传输。

Finally, if there is an option that prevents watching HD video (or in the case of Netflix, any video) using mobile data, turn that on as well.


If you have anything you’d like to add, any questions, comments, or observations, please share them with us in our discussion forum.



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